Today I was appalled at what I saw in this country.
Today I saw people who rioted and people who cheered a man who built his campaign on hate and fear while playing on people's nostalgia for a past that never existed.
Today I was amazed at the what I saw in this country.
Today I saw people unite to protest injustice, to take a stand and to state in one common voice, "We will not go silent into the night"
I have generally kept my political opinions to myself. In the real world people generally people think I agree with them. I listen to NPR and I watch Fox News. I am a Republican and a Democrat. I have seen hate and I've seen love and I've walked the narrow line of ethics to do the right thing in companies that don't. In the past months I have seen hate grow, bigotry gain strength and the children taught that some people are better than others because of the color of their skin or their gender.
I am an American and I will not let this be the new normal.
I am not going to back down. If today is lost, then tomorrow I will fight. I will not stop fighting until I make this world better. For my kids, for my wife, for all Americans. Even those who do not realize that I am helping them. I pledge that every day I will push to make things better in some small way. I am not sure where this path will lead me. Perhaps I will become an epic twitter fiend or a member of Congress. But I will not stop until we are all safe and given the same opportunities as everyone else and no one need fear discrimination.
And I know I will not be fighting alone. We will not accept that this is the new normal.
Uncle Walter
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