Your friend Uncle Walter travels among many circles of people. Many are devout followers of the Democrats and others follow the Republicans. There are even more who follow other paths. In the past I could easily pass among those who disagreed with me without tipping them off but lately with the rise of "Trumpism" it has become harder. People I've known for years who seemed rational now feel empowered to espouse beliefs that they had previously suppressed. Sadly this has made some of these poor confused souls unbearable as they feel that their opinions that all immigrants are rapists, that welfare only enables people to not work and that everyone would be better with a solid market based healthcare system. I'm amazed at the fact that so many of these people make these claims when they are receiving state assistance or the person on disability who deserves it but all those other people don't.
Somehow I still cross these lines and converse with these people even when their opionions are... well, wrong.
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